BELTA Day 2025 Call for proposals

Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 30 April 2022Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2023Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2023Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2023Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2023Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2023Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2024Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2024Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2024Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2024Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2024Call for Proposals  BELTA Day 2024

Join us for an unmissable experience

BELTA Day is a premier event in Belgium, uniting English language teachers from across the globe. We are thrilled to announce Grzegorz Spiewak as our plenary speaker for BELTA Day 2025. His talk will explore the evolving nature of learners and the implications for teachers and modern classrooms.

Apart from the plenary speaker, who is invited by BELTA, all other speakers are teachers and educators who take this unique opportunity to present new approaches, ideas and activities in an English as a Foreign Language context.

Share your expertise

  • Do you have a go-to activity or technique that energizes your students?
  • Have you developed something invaluable for fellow English language teachers?
  • Are you ready to inspire by sharing your best practices?
  • Ever dreamt of presenting your ideas to an international audience?

Seize this chance to showcase your expertise! Submit your proposal now!

Proposal guidelines

We welcome proposals on diverse aspects of EFL teaching across all sectors and levels. Ensure your session is practical, hands-on, and relevant. Clearly outline your presentation's objectives, structure, and methodology, and explain how attendees can apply your insights in their own contexts.

The selection committee values new, practical ideas that can be adapted to various classroom settings. Keep this in mind when crafting your proposal.

For commercial presentations promoting products or services, please contact These will be evaluated separately.

As Toni Morrison said:

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”

This also applies to presentations: if there’s a talk you want to hear, but it hasn’t been presented yet, then you must present it!

Practical information

  • All sessions are 45 minutes.

  • You can present alone or bring one or two colleagues to present in teams. In that case, each presenter of the team has to send in a separate proposal form, mentioning the name(s) of their co-presenter(s).

  • Click on the red button at the top right or at the bottom of this page to fill in the Proposal form.

  • The deadline for sending in your proposal is 1 February 2025.

  • After 1 February all proposals are read blind by the selection committee, the members of the BELTA Board.

  • From 20 February 2025, you will be notified whether your proposal has been accepted.

  • Accepted speakers will have to register for BELTA Day and pay a reduced conference fee.

  • All information about the venue, technical equipment, hotel accommodation and pre- and post-conference dinners with the speakers and the board will be communicated later.

The BELTA Board member responsible for the speakers is Paulina Christiaens. She will contact you using this address:

It is no longer possible to submit a proposal for this year's edition.