BELTA Day 2025 Registration

Registration is now open. Keep in mind that the registration deadline is 18 April 2025.

Payment details

Your registration is not complete without payment.
Please deposit the appropriate amount into our bank account:

KBC Bank
Grote Markt 13
3200 Aarschot

IBAN BE07 7340 3597 3366

Please include YOUR NAME as a reference when you pay. This is especially important when your school or another person pays your registration fee.
Once payment has been received we will confirm your payment and registration by mail (
Registering for BELTA Day 2025 makes you a BELTA member until the next BELTA event, in the spring of 2026. BELTA membership includes:
- the BELTA Newsletter, sent to you by mail
- the ability to submit for BELTA Grants if you live in Belgium
- a reduced membership fee for the IATEFL membership.


  • Regular: €90

  • Regular: members from the same school or institute: €90 for the first 2 participants, €75 for the next participants

  • Student: €50

  • Speaker: €50

Students registering will be asked to also give their student email address as proof of student status.
These prices apply to Belgian and international participants. Apart from the programme, they include lunch, morning coffee and two coffee breaks.
If you decide to join us on the day itself without having registered and/or paid, €10 will be added to all prices.
Attending BELTA Day will also allow you to apply for and win the Joris De Roy Memorial Grant.

If you have any questions about registration or membership, please send a mail to