You will need to be a member of BELTA and a Belgian citizen to participate in this grant, and you need to be or become a member of IATEFL to submit a speaker’s proposal. If your submitted proposal is accepted (sometime in November or December), you can submit the required information below to be considered for the grant. If BELTA receives more than one request for the grant, the Board will use the information you supplied to make a final determination.
YOU ACKNOWLEGE that you are an active member of both BELTA and IATEFL.
YOU AGREE to be available to travel during time of the conference. NOTE: Session dates and times are assigned by IATEFL and usually the speaker has no control over the date and time.
YOU SUBMIT a speaker’s proposal to IATEFL using their online submission form. The Call for Proposals usually opens in the late summer and closes in September.
YOU WILL RECEIVE notification at the end of November or beginning of December regarding the status of your proposal. If your proposal has been accepted by the IATEFL Conference Committee, you can then submit to receive the PRESENTER’S GRANT from BELTA.
To be eligible for the PRESENTER’S GRANT, you will need to submit the following information to by the 1st of January of the conference year.
A copy of your completed IATEFL Speaker’s Proposal application. (Suggestion: You may want to write it up in a Word document before copying and pasting it into the online form.)
A copy of your acceptance letter from IATEFL.
By 1 February, the BELTA Board will review and rate all the proposals using a blind rating system. The proposal with the highest score will receive the travel grant and the winner will be notified by email. Then, the winner will have one week to accept the PRESENTER’S GRANT; if the winner is unable to present, the grant will be awarded to the 2nd highest score.
You AGREE to use the TRAVEL GRANT for any expenses you incur EXCEPT membership in IATEFL. You can use the money for the registration fee (including attendance at a PCE), travel and accommodation expenses and food expenses. You can even use the money to purchase books and other materials from the publishers present in the Exhibition Hall during the conference. This means that you will have to pay your expenses upfront and the €600 TRAVEL GRANT will be used to pay back these expenses. If you work in a school or an organization that is willing to cover your expenses, you can use the money to pay back your school. You cannot, legally, accept travel expenses from both your school and BELTA.
NOTE: If you are an active member of BELTA, you can join IATEFL for a reduced membership fee. Write to BELTA at to get the discount code for Associate Membership
YOU AGREE to attend the conference. The conference occurs over 4 days (or 5 days if you want to attend a PCE); you can attend the complete run of the conference or just a day or two – it’s your choice. When you are at the conference, you can print out a CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION. Upon your return to Belgium, scan the certificate and send it to Once we have a copy of your certificate, will deposit the €600 TRAVEL GRANT in your bank account. Therefore, there is no need to keep copies of your receipts.
YOU AGREE that within two weeks after the conference you will write a blog post about the conference, which will be published on the BELTA Belgium website.
YOU AGREE to participate at the next BELTA Day (usually in May). You will be asked to repeat your presentation for our delegates and you will be asked to share your IATEFL Conference experiences. This may include a recorded video and/or talking with other delegates at the BELTA Table in the Exhibition Hall.
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