The proper use of words, images and videos is essential in producing engaging classes, presentations and meetings. The overuse and abuse of technology has been causing Sensory Overload resulting in a lack of attention, engagement and learning. Examples, tips and skills to overcome this will be shown during the presentation.
We all know that using imagery is an effective tool towards communication and engagement, as well as to elicit production and interest. The mistakes we make though are causing our audience to lose focus and miss the point(s) are not only failing their objective, but hindering the outcome.
Rob Howard is the owner of Online Language Center, partner at Business Language Training Institute and founder of EFLtalks. He is a speaker worldwide on Teacher Development, Continuing Professional Development, Online Business Retention and Image Presentation. He is President of the BRAZ-TESOL BESIG, a member of the IATEFL BESIG Online Team, Online Coordinator and Video Interviewer for the Visual Arts Circle as well as co-founder with Dorothy Zemach of the Independent Authors and Publishers Group. He has authored and coauthored several books for EFL. He was nominated for the 2016 British Council's ELTon Award for Innovation in Teacher Development
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