Presentation Iryna Simkova & Yuliana Lavrysh

Advantages, Rules and Technologies (ART) of Infographics for teaching EFL

Audience focus: All


Seeing is believing and…. learning. The power of images in modern communication is irrefutable.
In the world of visual content, the impact of visual communication is impossible to overestimate. One of the adequate ways of adapting the educational material to meet the needs and requirements of the current generation of students could be visualization.
Therefore, the educational potential and effect of infographics in an English classroom is the focus of the presentation.
The use of infographics makes teaching engaging, enjoyable, more culturally relevant and fosters the development of summarizing, presenting, and reporting skills.
The presentation discusses the benefits of infographics and offers strategies on how EFL teachers can integrate them into their classes. Infographics allow us to organize ideas, illustrate learning concepts, develop analytical skills, make data meaningful, enhance media literacy, foster creative thinking skills, and create engaging communication activities.
The presentation provides samples of lessons with different ideas on infographics integration, examples of digital tools for infographic creation, communicative activities using ready-made infographics as well as activities with student-generated infographics, ideas on the application of infographics for visual essays or as a reporting tool.
The presentation is interactive so the participants will be able to create an infographic poster themselves.


Iryna Simkova
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of English for Humanities, Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
She has been teaching English as a foreign language and ESP at BA, MA, and PhD levels. The spheres of her scientific research are teaching English for Specific Purposes, training for professional development, digital pedagogy and mobile learning, and inclusion in teaching.
She is author and co-author of more than 120 scientific publications within these areas of scientific research. Iryna Simkova is a member of editorial boards of scientific journals in Ukraine and takes part in national (Ukrainian) and international conferences, forums, workshops, seminars, and webinars.

Yuliana Lavrysh
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of English Language for Engineering.
She has been teaching English as a foreign language and ESP for about 20 years at BA, MA, and PhD levels.
The spheres of scientific research are: personalization of learning, lifelong learning, ESP teaching and digital pedagogy.