Bruno Leys

What's the frequency, Kenneth? Frequency principle in grammar teaching.

Audience focus: All


In this talk I will look at how the guiding principle of frequency, which is very common in the field of lexis, can also be applied to grammar teaching. This may lead to reconsidering what grammar items we want to teach, through which examples or exercises and in what order we can best present them to our learners. I will have a look at a wide selection of typical grammar topics, and examples and exercises accompanying them. Participants will be invited to actively reflect on the presented aspects and on the relevance of these insights for their own teaching context.


Bruno Leys is an experienced English teacher and teacher trainer. He currently works at VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Brugge. He has published several EFL coursebook series: Breakaway, Takeaway, High Five and Fastbreak. He also writes articles, tweets and blogs about TEFL, provides in-service training sessions and is a speaker on conferences in Belgium and abroad.