Sponsor Registration Form 2025

This form gives us all the information we need so we do not have to send you multiple emails. Please complete it before 15 February 2025. In due course we will contact you again with all practical details about where and when to send your materials beforehand if you wish to do so, how to reach the venue etc. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to mail us on beltasponsors@gmail.com

Indicate the option you have chosen. If you are going to give a commercial presentation, please let us know BEFORE 1 February.
All communication about BELTA Day 2025 will be sent to this address.
We will only use this in case of emergency.
Please add a short text you would like people to read on your sponsor page.
Please add a link you would like people to see on your sponsor page. This could be the link to your website or a particular product or project you would like to highlight.
Please give the name(s) of the person(s) who will represent your company in Brussels on 26 April.
We close BELTA Day with a very popular raffle. You can donate prizes (ELT materials, dictionaries, games, posters, books, vouchers etc.) for delegates to win.
After BELTA Day we will send an invoice. Please type the exact address you would like to see on your invoice. If the invoice needs to be mailed to another person than the contact person, please also mention the invoice mail address.