3.12 - Keynote Strand
Sylvia Karastathi
Viewing Skills: Learning from Museum Educators (Art)
What can language teachers learn from museum educators about activating the creative and generative power of images? This talk will outline principles and practices from museum education that seek to deepen and extend our connection with images, and propose concrete examples on how to cultivate viewing skills in our language classes.
Joanna Norton
Walking Through English (Images)
Inspired by Charles Baudelaire’s concept of the flâneur, an urban wanderer, Walking Through English deploys techniques of psychogeography to offer a reflective pause on the role of the visual arts in ELT. Presenting an eclectic range of activities from state teaching, community education to higher education, Walking Through English experiments with notions of playfulness and inventiveness to help manage the unpredictable and predict the unforeseen. For this session, participants are asked to bring a mobile device with a QR reader installed, along with headphones to listen to audio files.
Julia Alivertis & Jeffrey Doonan
Listen to your eyes (Art)
By introducing art into ELT, our learners become more culturally aware and their critical abilities are enhanced. Through interaction with artworks students learn about the influences of cultures, society and generational differences. While looking at art across the genres students begin to understand and reflect on their emotions and make connections between art and other disciplines. Integrating art stimulates visual learning.
Georgia Psarra
Using Arts to cultivate Empathy (Art)
I chose Picasso’s painting Guernica to introduce my students to the topic of ‘War’. Apart from the famous painting, I used other forms of Arts like Music, Photography and Filming as sources of thought-provoking elaboration so that more Arts can contribute and students can express their feelings, thoughts and empathy to the people struck by the war.