Over the last few years, I have been discussing ways of dealing with grammar in my IATEFL conference talks as I have noticed that grammar, for many teachers, still seems to be the part of language teaching they struggle with most. Moreover, also a significant group of learners does not really consider grammar as their favourite language lesson activity.
In this webinar, we will have a look at grammar exercises from a wide selection of coursebooks and see if and how they can be made more attractive and effective.
I will sometimes refer to research to explain why certain approaches may or may not work, but the general focus of the session will be on practical classroom activities at different levels.
By revamping some exercises with a focus on real language use and by suggesting a few alternative grammar exercise formats, I hope to inspire teachers to make the grammar parts of their future lessons both more powerful and purposeful.
Bruno Leys has been an English teacher and teacher trainer for over 25 years. He currently works at VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Brugge. He has published several EFL coursebook series: Breakaway, Takeaway and High Five. He also writes articles, tweets and blogs about TEFL, provides in-service training sessions and is a speaker on conferences in Belgium and abroad.
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