13/10/2018 - 15:37
Athens— 7 October 2018 — At the closing of the 2018 Image Conference, Kieran Donaghy, the conference organizer and plenary speaker, announced the location of the 2019 Image Conference. Brussels, Belgium has been chosen as the host of the conference which will be organized by the Belgian English Language Teachers Association (BELTA).
John Arnold, the current president of BELTA, attended the conference at New York College in Athens and was present for the announcement: ‘We are so thrilled that the organizers of the conference and the members from the Visual Arts Circle have chosen beautiful, art-filled Brussels for the location of this amazing conference. We are even more excited for the opportunity it affords all of our members and the English language teaching community in Belgium to attend a different type of event.'
The 8th Image Conference (2019) will be held at Erasmushogeschool in Brussels on 5 & 6 October 2019. Erasmushogeschool is the venue for the annual BELTA Day conference as well.
The 7th Image Conference in Athens featured three plenary speakers, a special training session, eight breakout sessions associated with the GISIG (The Global Issues Special Interest Group from IATEFL), and 32 breakout sessions.
More information about submitting a proposal for the 8th Image Conference and registration will be available in early 2019.
The Belgian English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) is a non-profit organization for teachers of English in Belgium. They are an IATEFL Associate, allowing them to network with 100+ teaching associations and EFL teachers the world over.
They seek to encourage the professional development of English language teachers in Belgium by offering possibilities for discussion and the exchange of ideas and experience through face-to-face events, online events and printed and digital materials.
The Image Conference, which is the annual conference of the Visual Arts Circle, is the only conference in the world exclusively on the use of image in ELT.
The two key aims of the conference are to put media and images at the center of the language learning agenda, and to offer guidance on using media and images critically and creatively in language teaching in the age of the Internet.
The conference is held in a different city every year. So far the conference has been held in Barcelona in conjunction with UAB Idiomes, Brasilia in conjunction with BRAZ-TESOL, Cordoba Spain in collaboration with IH Córdoba, Munich in collaboration with the Munich English Teachers' Association, in Valletta, Malta with the support of the ELT Council, and in Lisbon, Portugal with the support of APPI. The seventh edition of the Image Conference was held on 6th and 7th October 2018 at New York College, in Athens, Greece.
The Visual Arts Circle is a community of practice founded by writer, editor, trainer and video producer, Anna Whitcher, and teacher, trainer, award-winning writer and international conference speaker, Kieran Donaghy, made up of language teaching professionals, teachers, teacher trainers, writers, editors, researchers, designers, illustrators, artists, photographers, and filmmakers, all with a shared belief in the value of visual arts – drawing, painting, sculpture, design, crafts, photography, video, and filmmaking – in language education. We believe that incorporating visual arts is an extremely effective way of improving the quality of teaching and learning, particularly in the field of language teaching. Through the process of sharing information and experiences with the group our members learn from each other, and have an opportunity to develop personally and professionally.
Membership of the Visual Arts Circle is completely free as we want the group to be as inclusive as possible and we understand that many teachers cannot afford the membership fees of teaching associations.
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