23/08/2018 - 15:39
Every year, as we return to our classrooms, textbooks and students, the professional world of English language teachers begins with a series of conferences to help us adjust to the pressures and joys of teaching. This year is no exception. Here is a list of some more interesting conferences to be offered in our neighbourhood (Europe).
Do you already miss all the hot weather we experienced this summer? Then maybe you should head off to Valletta, Malta for their annual conference. The theme of the conference, which runs from 11 October through 13 October, is 'Multiple Perspectives in ELT'. This conference, like BELTA Day, is a fairly young conference but it has already introduced the ELT profession to a wide range of new speakers. Check it out here.
The Image Conference is a floating conference; it changes locations every year; this year it will be held in Athens, Greece. This is an annual conference association with the Visual Arts Circle. Part of this group's mission is to engage language teachers in the practical uses of the visual arts in the classroom. This conference brings together amazing writers, editors, illustrators and more who all share a passion for using images in the classroom. Registration is now open; so think about joining BELTA President John Arnold, who will be in Athens for the conference.
Held every year in Paris, France, the 37th edition has put together an great line-up of plenary speakers: Mary Shepard Wong, Daniel Xerri and Kieran Donaghy. In addition, Board member Rianne Ariëns is presenting at the conference; it will be her first time presenting in an international setting and we will be there to support her. You should join us!
BESIG is the Business English Special Interest Group associated with IATEFL. Their conference, like others associated with IATEFL, changes locations yearly. This year they are journeying to Iași, Romania for their 31st annual, three-day conference. Dedicated to all things related to teaching Business English, this is the best conference out there for Business English teachers. And, if you haven't been to Romania, this is a good opportunity to explore this beautiful gem on the Balkan coast. Registration is now open. If you go, tell the conference organisers that you would love it if they brought their conference to Belgium one year!
There are more great conferences being offered in our area during the 1st semester of the academic year. Check them all out on our ELT Conferences of Interest page. Throughout the year, we will update this page and offer suggestions for more great conferences!
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