Presentation Annelene Timmermans

It’s Media Lit! & Social Justice

Audience focus: Teachers of adolescent learners


In this practical workshop teachers will discover ways to integrate media literacy education into their language lessons, just like in the previous sessions of It’s Media Lit! in 2020 and 2021.
This year, however, the focus will lie on social justice: we will explore how media literacy education can function as a catalyst to create more social justice in our classrooms, at schools and in our global society at large. Participants will be activated to use the skills, insights, resources and activities discovered in this workshop, in their classrooms and local communities to move towards more media literacy education and social justice.


Annelene Timmermans (Belgium) has been working in education for fifteen years and is currently teaching English (EFL) and Dutch at Sint-Jozefsinstituut Betekom.
She is a teacher trainer at the Master of Teaching program at KU Leuven and also has experience as a journalist. As a language teacher, Annelene has been focusing on creating communicative classroom activities and integrating media literacy into language lessons.