Eloy Romero Muñoz

Beyond mechanical repetition: The case for pattern recognition in language education

Audience focus: All


Traditional drilling has remained popular in ELT despite the lack of empirical evidence that such controlled practice fosters language acquisition. In this presentation, we will explore an alternative technique grounded in recent advances from usage-based approaches to language acquisition: pattern recognition. This technique leverages documented acquisitional processes to provide a more effective, evidence-based method for building fluency and meaningful communication skills without compromising accuracy.


As a certified English and Dutch teacher, Dr. Eloy Romero Muñoz has been active in the field of foreign language teaching for 22 years now at virtually all levels of foreign language education in Belgium and abroad. He also taught foreign language pedagogy at 2 teacher training colleges in the past.
He is currently employed at the École Royale des Sous-Officiers (Campus Saffraanberg, Belgium) where he teaches Dutch and develops English language tests for the Belgian Ministry of Defense.
Dr Eloy Romero Muñoz holds a PhD from Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. His doctoral research on improving the application of Applied Cognitive Linguistics in the foreign language classroom has been published in reputable academic journals and edited volumes. He has also co-authored several ELT textbooks for the Belgian market.
His research interests include Applied Cognitive Linguistics (especially for TESOL), teaching materials development, pedagogical grammar, the research-pedagogy interface, and language teaching policy.