Joris De Roy Memorial Grant Application form 2025

The text below states what is required in order to be able to obtain the grant; the application form is added in attachment underneath.
Make sure to check the Belgian school holidays in 2025-2026. The dates do not always overlap with Easter break.

I hereby apply for the Joris De Roy Memorial Grant to win IATEFL Associate membership for one year, the early-bird registration fee to attend the IATEFL conference 2026 in Brighton and free entry to BELTA Day 2026.

I confirm that

  1. I have read and understood the General Information page about the Joris De Roy Memorial Grant;

  2. I reside in Belgium;

  3. I have not won a BELTA grant before;

  4. I am available to travel to Brighton from 21 April to 24 April in 2026;

  5. I will attend the IATEFL conference 2026;

  6. I will print out a Certificate of Attendance, scan the certificate upon my return and send it to ;

  7. I agree to write a blog post for the BELTA blog about the conference;

  8. I agree to pay my IATEFL Associate membership and the IATEFL 2026 early-bird conference fees myself before sending proofs of payment and my banking details to BELTA so they can reimburse me.

FILL IN the form in attachment, SIGN it, PRINT it and bring it to BELTA Day on 26 April 2025. FORMS will be available on BELTA Day as well.
Drop your application form in the Grant box on the BELTA table in the Exhibition Hall.