Julia Clouter

Identifying Dyslexia in a Foreign Learning Environment

Length: 45 minutes
Audience focus: Teachers of young learners, Academic English teachers, English for Specific Purposes

Simultaneous text highlighting and listening is a multi-modal technique that accelerates learning.
We will be exploring the ReaderPen to support the development of English language skills and the Lingo Pen as a translation tool. Through workshop activities, we will explore the ways that ReaderPens are used to support dyslexic learners to feel confident and have their understanding validated.
A range of techniques will be shared that support learners to build self-confidence.

The target audience for this workshop is teachers of ESOL learners who may have been identified with additional specific learning needs, for example, dyslexia or visual processing difficulties. Teachers from the primary and secondary phases will find this session particularly interesting as it will also explore ways to combine other multi-sensory learning strategies and exploit sensory learning combined with text.
This workshop will also be of interest to those who are looking at handheld translation devices to support learning and comprehension and seeking to find strategies for independent learning, in higher education and in the workplace.


My mission is to help to close the literacy gap.
All learners should be able to access, and succeed regardless of challenge and adversity.

Speakers' company

Scanning Pens, United Kingdom