3.12 - Keynote Strand
Josep Maria Planas, Esther Fuertes, & Montserrat Morales
The Art of Talking (Learning language through Art and VTS) (Art)
In this talk, we are going to present a project launched by the Educational Department in Catalonia with collaboration of the National Museum of Art of Catalonia (MNAC) aimed at adult education students learning Catalan, Spanish or English as a second language through art using the Visual Thinking Strategies methodology.
Renske Oort
Wordless media in elementary school multilingual classrooms: opening minds (Images)
Around the world there are classrooms with mixed proficiency in the instruction language, for instance caused by migration. This poses challenges as well as opportunities for teaching and learning. Wordless media are explored as a tool for opening minds and sparking ideas and interactions in an international elementary classroom.
Phil Longwell
A personal history of filmmaking with students in ELT (Film)
I will give my first talk at any conference which shows my experience of creating films as a teacher. It will draw on real examples of making films with students (2006-2019). Filmmaking and editing is a hobby and my passion will be on display in this presentation.
Student-made video projects to enhance speaking skills - the Book
Rob Howard
Since 2007, I‘ve been using student-made video projects to stimulate teenaged students to plan, script, film and present a variety of videos that have increased oral production, confidence and fluency through out-of-class assignments with varied subjects. This talk will outline the methodology, implementation and benefits. This will promote a book.