Meet the Speakers of BELTA Day 2022

In the weeks leading up to 30 April, we will introduce the speakers of BELTA Day 2022.

We like you to meet the speakers of BELTA Day 2022!
Some will be familiar to BELTA Day delegates and we are really happy they are returning this year.
For others it will be a first-time experience, as a speaker or as a speaker on BELTA Day. We are also particularly happy to welcome some loyal BELTA Day attendees who will now for the first time come as speakers.
The speakers come from six different countries and various backgrounds, each with their own expertise, experience and passion to share with all of us. Without them, there would be no BELTA Day!

In the coming weeks, they will present themselves and their sessions on the BELTA Facebook and Twitter pages so keep an eye on these!
We hope this will help BELTA Day delegates to choose between the different simultaneous sessions.
You can find the abstracts of their sessions and their biographies on our website as well as the video teasers they made for you.
As a delegate you do not have to register for a specific session beforehand. On BELTA Day, you just go to the room where the session of your choice will take place. Why not make your personal schedule for the day beforehand and bring that to BELTA Day.
Enjoy watching and reading what our speakers have in store for you!