3.12 - Keynote Strand
Elena Dominguez Romero & Jelena Bobkina
Active learning video-based methodologies in the EFL/ESL university classroom (Video)
Educational technologies have become an indispensable part of any teaching/learning process as digital video has gained a prominent position in enhancing not only aural reception but also active production skills when it comes to the acquisition of oracy (Goldstein, 2017). The aim of this talk is to present a video-based methodology which has been developed to improve our EFL/ESL university students’ oracy skills within a project on educational innovation carried out at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) during 2017-18. The project has involved the design of a set of videos compiled in an electronic modular book which combines modern audio-visual technologies with innovative learning methods such as blended-learning and flipped classroom.
Various Panelists
Bruno Leys
Look Out! Grammar! (Images)
Grammar is all around us. Sometimes, however, grammar seems to be reduced to rules and contextless exercises. In this workshop I present various images, collected over the years, with samples of real English that will be used to introduce, illustrate and generate a variety of grammatical items.
Fiona Mauchline
Screenwriting your way to language proficiency (Film)
Do you use video for listening skills? Or ask students to video themselves as motivation to speak? Then why not bring film into writing skills lessons, too? Teaching students through screenwriting will improve their English and give them an engaging, new skill. Come and try it – step by step.
Conference Closing Plenary
13:00 – 14:00
Aula 3.13
Hania Krystyna Bociek
Reconciling global communication and national cultures: Putting art at the heart of international empathy
We shall consider how English, the 21st-century global communicator, can embrace both national artistic cultures and global human issues to become truly meaningful and inclusive to those that use it primarily as a pragmatic tool.